gorgeous gingham & wax

If you haven’t already you MUST check out gingham & wax a beautiful new product handmade in the Blue Mountains by my very clever friend Nina. If you care for this lovely planet of ours, want your food to look funky in the fridge and are tired of slicing yourself on the %#@*+$! serrated tooth thingy on the cling film box (that oddly doesn’t cut the cling film but will happily do so for your fingers…) then this is the stuff for you! The reusable wraps are a biodegradable, breathable, durable alternative to plastic wrap and soooooo lovely to play with.

You can find gingham & wax at the Blackheath Growers Market, 2nd Sunday of every month. They will be popping up at other markets too so keep your eye on their website for details.

Here are some pics from the shoot we did a little while back…

photocrati gallery

beautiful mountains part two – wentworth falls

Back in February I got a phone call from a friend who told me I needed to get down to Wentworth Falls immediately to witness the most amazing sight. Quite begrudgingly I rugged up and stepped out into the drizzle (which even in its own miserable way provided some level of welcome relief from the ridiculous, torrential downpours of the past week) and wandered off to Princes Rock to see what was going on. I was met by the most wondrous sight of torrents of water cascading down the waterfall, in stark contrast to the reliable yet conservative amount of water that we’re used to seeing. The roar of the water, whilst far from deafening was loud and powerful and around it everything seemed to remain still and quiet. It was awe inspiring and beautiful and somehow, delightfully humbling. Locals assured me it was a once in a lifetime event! (or thereabouts…)

So, now to share some more photos with you :) A couple of these images already appear on my shop page but just to let you know they’re all available to buy. Just get in touch if you’d like to do so xx


photocrati gallery


beautiful mountains part one – narrow neck

photocrati gallery


I’ve never really got into landscape photography. I didn’t fell confident that I could adequately capture the beauty of what my eyes were seeing, without seeming cliched somehow. Since moving to the mountains though something has shifted and these days I can’t seem to help myself.

I’d like to share some images from a lovely trip to Narrow Neck recently… xx



snap happy kids at Scenic World

A big THANK YOU from Scenic World and me for all those who participated in our kids’ photography workshops last school holidays. We had such a lovely time and I must say, there are certainly some budding photographers out there! Check out some of the amazing images below and stay tuned for details about upcoming workshops… Camille :)

Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Alice 1
Photo by Alice
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Alex 1
Photo by Alex
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Louis 1
Photo by Louis
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Morgan 1
Photo by Morgan
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Lil 1
Photo by Lil
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Alice 2
Photo by Alice
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Morgan 2
Photo by Morgan
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Lil 2
Photo by Lil
Scenic World SNAP Kids Photography Workshops - Louis 2
Photo by Louis